"Old yellow leaves“(Lao Huang Pian) are the old leaves picked out in the process of producing the sun-baked green crude tea. They are preserved loose or compressed into cakes. The picked-out yellow leaves are often mistaken to be bitter and astringent.

However, a taste of the tea liquid of the boiled yellow leaves proves its mellowness and sweetness. The yellow leaves contain rich substances. In the tea-producing areas in Yunnan, the tea is a daily drink and also served to honored guests. In the current tea market, Old yellow leaves occupy a special place.
There are fermented old yellow leaves preserved for several years. They are reddish-brown. Their coarseness is clear.
Dry tea: yellowish-green or reddish-brown
Color and taste: the tea liquid is orange and bright, or yellowish green (liquid from preserved old yellow leaves is reddish-orange), with a mellow sweet aftertaste, lasting fragrance.
Brewed leaves: Flexible and unbroken.
